Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to make an appointment to book in?
Yes, as we are 1:1 based. All bookings can be made via phone or email.
Do I need to wash my hair before I have a colour?
Yes, all our colours are more natural based. So clean hair gets the best results. As they don’t have the chemicals to cut through dirt or grease.
What kind of coverage will more natural colour products give?
Full coverage. Especially with clean hair for best results.
Do I need clean skin for my makeup appointment ?
Yes, we recommend you have clean skin & no makeup on.
What kind of coverage result will I get from makeup application?
Options are light to medium. Our makeup is more natural based, allowing your skin to breathe & feel natural on your skin.
How long will my hair appointment take?
Colours take around 30 for a top up to 90 mins for a full head depending on application technique required.
45 mins process time.
Toners are from 5 to 15 mins process.
Style or cut & style is 45 mins.
Do I need to wash my hair before a hairstyle for wedding or event?
Hair ups & curls we recommend washing the day before.
Blowdrys the day of.
Do you offer freelance appointments?
Yes, we do. We offer appointments in salon & at your location.
How long appointment is wedding or event hair & makeup?
We allow around 45/60 mins per service, per person. This timing allows us high results & provide a relaxed, stress free & calm experience.
How do I book in for an intuitive session?
These sessions can be booked in on the same day as your other appointments or separately. Contact us via phone or email.
More information about these offerings can be found here: